I teach the nationally-recognized Certificate of Interpretive Guiding (CIG) course.
This course is a blast! I’ll have you crying and laughing and hugging and cheering.
I teach Interpretive Guiding in a tried-and-proven manner using the curriculum developed by the National Association for Interpretation. The course is highly interactive and creates a community of learning with the students. Anyone 16 + is welcome. No prior experience is necessary.
Students can chose to take the course with the NAI’s Certificate of Interpretive Guiding for $600 or without the NAI Certificate for $300.
With the Certificate …
Developed by the National Association for Interpretation (NAI), the Certificate of Interpretive Guiding course has a long tradition within the heritage interpretation fields. The course is 30 hours long and successful students are awarded an evergreen certificate that does not expire. The cost for the course with the certificate is $600 and includes a one-year membership to NAI.
To achieve NAI’s certificate, students MUST complete the following:
- Attend all 30 hours of seat learning over Zoom synchronously
- Develop a 10 minute interpretative program outline graded at 80% or higher
- Deliver that program to the class
Without the certificate
Students are welcome to take my Interpretive Guide course without the NAI Certificate for the instructor fee of $300.
Same class, same learning curriculum, same support from me and fellow students, just no NAI Certificate. Successful students will receive a certificate of completion from me that validates time learned and products created.
Epic for your career…
The nationally recognized NAI Certificate of Interpretive Guiding course (CIG) course is designed for anyone in tourism, public speaking, or education fields.
Whether you’re a new hire, a professional looking to refresh your skills, beginning a second career, or acting as a volunteer, this course will aid you in improving your presentation techniques.
The course combines the theoretical foundations of the profession with practical strategies in delivering quality interpretive programming to visitors.
CIG is the internationally recognized standard for the profession of heritage resource interpretation. It’s not just on paper–it’s in your head and your heart. This is a full participation course that you can apply anywhere.
Learning Includes:
- The history, definition, and principles of interpretation.
- Techniques on how to make your programs enjoyable and relevant.
- How to use tangible objects to connect your audience to intangible ideas and universal concepts.
- Integrating good customer service skills before, during, and after your program to encourage income generation, great reviews, and return visits.
- Being purposeful with your goals to garner support for your cause or place.
- Developing a theme that will organize your program for a memorable experience.
- How to adapt your program to different audiences in terms of ages, group size, learning styles and motivations.
- 120+ engagement strategies that will make memorable and meaningful connections.
Interpretive Guide course FAQs
Other CIG courses are taught in a week, why are Nikki’s courses spread out so much?
Zoom fatigue is real. Three hours is all I can take.
We have real lives, jobs and tasks to get to, pets and families to care for.
I am the only instructor (outside of college professors) who are teaching in short sessions over time. A short session also keeps your brain fresh while giving you a chance to soak in the concepts over time and see them applied in real life while you are learning.
NAI says the CIG class is 32 hours but Nikki’s is listed as 30. Is it the same course?
Absolutely! Instructors teach the same curriculum but with the leeway of varying approaches.
Since my course is in 3 hour blocks, 10 sessions worked out to be a better flow.
Other instructors teach this course, how is Nikki’s course unique?
I am the only instructor that will allow students to create programming for online audiences, either pre-recorded, or Live over FB and Zoom.
I firmly believe that we can still be personal in online settings.
If you are a content creator for your agency or building your own brand, my interpretation course welcomes and supports that work.
I want to take the Interpretive Guide course. Should I pay extra for the NAI Certificate?
Your choice; the learning is the same. The course content is useful for anyone who speaks to an audience.
NAI’s Certificate of Interpretive Guiding has a strong recognition within the interpretation field (ie. parks and recreation, zoos and aquariums, and environmental educators). Beyond those examples, the NAI CIG is not widely known. Learners in other speaking professions (ie: commercial tour guides, online content creators, clergy, HR staff, educators and trainers, historians, museum staff, and more) will certainly benefit from the course but may not need the NAI Certificate to boost their resumes.
What are the requirements to earn the NAI Certificate of Interpretive Guiding?
To achieve the NAI Certificate of Interpretive Guiding, a student must: attend all 30 hours of seat time synchronously, develop a 10 minute interpretive program graded at 80% or higher, and deliver that program to the class.
If I choose not to pay for the NAI Certificate, can I get proof that I took the course?
Absolutely! The learning is the same.
I will provide you with a certificate of completion with the number of seat hours and products completed (program outline and delivery).
When do I have to decide if I’m getting the NAI Certificate or not?
When you register. You must register for the class either through me directly for $275 (no certificate) or directly through NAI for $600 (includes Certificate). The deadline to register for the NAI Certificate is one week prior to the start of the course. Yet, seats for the course are limited. If you know you are going to purchase the NAI Certificate, register as soon as you can.
What are your payment options?
To pay me directly for the course, I accept Paypal. I can send an invoice if needed.
What if the class is cancelled?
If the Interpretive Guide course is cancelled due to low enrollment, students who have already paid will receive a full refund or can apply the fee to a future course within the same calendar year.
What is your refund policy for the Interpretive Guide class?
My refund policy for all classes is the same: full refunds are offered up to the date that registration closes for that course. After registration closes, no refunds are available unless I cancel the course.
When is the last day I can register for the Interpretive Guide course without the NAI Certificate?
Without the NAI Certificate, you are welcome to register for the class up to one day prior to the class. This gives me time to send you the learning links. Yet, seats for the course are limited. Please register early.